\\|// (o o) ~~~~~oOOo~(_)~oOOo~~~~~ _____/\____ (READ_ME.txt) ----------- -----=====!¡!§ðÑï©»K v1.0!¡!=====----- Hello, and welcome to §ðÑï©»K v1.0 by Mr_KooL_! This is my upgraded script!! I will continue working on this script to improve it. If you notice anything I need done to it, Please find me on DALnet as Mr_KooL or something like that. PLEASE Send ALL Suggestions to dstanko@ix.netcom.com I will continue working my hardest on this, until I get it to be the best script out there! You may also have any questions about mIRC or this script, then contact me on DALnet as Mr_KooL_ -=*ƒƒSpecial-ThanXƒƒ*=- Thanx to Mr_Tax_collector for all his help on this script and for the colored text and most of all letting me try out my script in his Dalnet channel #mIRC_32_HeLp Thanx Mr_Tax_Collector. Thanx to baz`oo`ka, |^|ODIN|^|, samantha101, Pat Marr, _Qu^rtZ_, oH_yEaH, Dago, And MOST OF ALL baz`oo`ka AND TheCougar AND DonDon AND Limbeck777. Thanx to all who helped me on my this upgrade script. THANX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -=*ƒƒInstalationƒƒ*=- Unzip this file onto your hard drive, then copy mirc32.exe and then put in SoniK DIR. And it should work!!!!!!! I plan to release the next version very soon. I recommend you put it in C:\SonicK, but if you can't then go into mirc.ini and change it to your own directory. If you have any problems E-Mail me at dstanko@ix.netcom.com . I ask one more thing of you....That you not steal things from this and claim it is yours! Thank You, Mr_KooL_!!!!!!! PLEASE SEND ALL SUGGESTIONS/COMMENTS/COMPLAINTS, ETC. TO ME!!!! Thank You!!! E-Mail me at dstanko@ix.netcom.com if you have any problems!!!!! GET MIRC 4.72+ AT HTTP://WWW.MIRC.CO.UK Mr_KooL_